Sweed’s Versatile Veneer Stacker
Gold Hill, OR – The Sweed Versatile Veneer Stacker is a unique and innovative approach to veneer stacking. Whether you only stack one size of veneer, or you stack any combination of 4’, 8’ 9’, and 10’ veneer, Sweed has an economical solution.
The core functionality of Sweed’s stacker is based on proven technology, with one major innovation; the Versatile Veneer Stacker uses patent pending adjustable dual plenums that allows the stacker to easily adjust to multiple lengths of veneer. Sweed’s groundbreaking adaptable solution keeps the stacker concept simple and makes changeovers (from one length to the next) as easy as a push of a button, in less than a minute. Sweed’s innovative solution to multiple lengths also applies to standard stacking applications. The adjustable plenum design dramatically improves accessibility, which allows for internally located knock-offs rather than the traditional exterior mounted cylinders. This results in a more reliable, better balanced knock-off interface with the veneer, thus resulting in higher stack quality.
Sweed’s Versatile Veneer Stacker is the only one in the industry that uses a simple approach to solve a traditionally complex problem. Sweed’s minimalist design, coupled with their engineering expertise and stateside support, results in a superior solution at a competitive price, both initially, and in years to come. For more information, contact Kevin Gordon at Sweed Machinery. Phone: 541-855-1512, Toll-Free: 800-888-1352, Email: sweed@sweed.com Website: www.sweed.com.