Scrap Choppers
Machine type:
Scrap Chopper
Model 510 XHD
Dependable Scrap Chopper for Processing High Volumes of Scrap Metals.
The Model 510 XHD has been the scrap chopper of choice for high-volume conversion of scrap metals for decades.
This scrap chopper unit provides a robust cutting capacity that allows it to process tough scrap materials quickly and reliably, shift after shift. The Model 510 XHD scrap chopper can be customized for inline automated production applications and also has a variety of customizable options to meet specific scrap processing needs. The Model 510 XHD is designed to fit on a SWEED stand that will accommodate a SWEED EZ Dump Hopper or Gaylord container. Custom stands and additional safety upgrades are also available.
Material Reference
The recommended model of scrap chopper is determined by scrap size, scrap volume, and requested custom features. Please consult a SWEED representative to determine the appropriate scrap chopper for your application. The following are materials commonly processed through the 510 XHD:
Up to 1 ¼” x .046” domestic steel banding with clip
Up to 1 ¼” x .046” band saw blades
Various mild steel, aluminum, brass and copper bars
Construction Features
SWEED scrap choppers are well-known for their robust construction and ability to endure demanding environments. SWEED scrap choppers offer a reliable and efficient solution for processing linear scrap materials while prioritizing durability, safety, and user-friendly operation.